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BBQ Sauce (R1 Approved)

I've actually been making my own bbq sauce for years. The OG recipe can be found here on this blog even ;) all the way from 2010, ha. But I tweaked it to make it R1 Compliant for my Restoration Wellness plan. This actually makes a LOT so I usually half it (Half of this recipe fills almost 2 Primal Kitchen Ketchup bottles, for reference lol)

JEN'S BBQ Sauce (R1 Version)
2C Primal Kitchen ketchup
2C Great Value Organic tomato sauce (or use whatever, just needs to be on plan, no sugar etc)
1 1/4C brown sugar truvia or stevia (I do NOT use this much, start with less esp with stevia bc certain ones have more of an aftertaste. I did about 3/4C of it, 1/4C stevia and 1/2C truvia brown sugar)
1 1/4C apple cider vinegar
2T ON PLAN OIL (I Used Plant based ghee which is avocado/coconut blend)
1/2t garlic powder
1/4t chili powder
1t paprika
1/4t ground cinnamon
1/2t cayenne pepper
1t salt
1t fresh ground black pepper
***you could add some liquid smoke ~1T if you like a smoky flavor. ***

In a large saucepan over med heat, mix together the ketchup, tomato sauce, stevia/truvia, vinegar, and oil.
Stir in garlic powder, chili powder, paprika, cinnamon, cayenne, salt and pepper.
Reduce heat to low, and simmer for up to 20 minutes.
For thicker sauce, simmer longer, and for thinner, less time

It's kinda got a sweet baby rays/dinosaur bbq mashup taste, I think!


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